Cape May Point State Park

    In late summer, monarch butterflies flutter over the dunes of Cape May and the water grows colder. Still, the allure does not lessen. September remains a perfect time to visit Cape May Point State Park and the adjacent Sunset Beach.

    Sunset Beach is now different from how we remembered it. Along ever fluctuating sandy shorelines, a year can change a lot. Now, the amount of Cape May diamonds at Sunset Beach has been greatly reduced compared to previous times that we have been here. Despite this, there remains plenty to see at Sunset Beach. And as the days shorten, the sun sets earlier and earlier into the sea, but the sunsets created never lose their characteristic spectacular color and glow.

Monarch butterfly tagging 

American Oystercatcher

A small dogfish that became caught on a fisherman's hook after eating the fish that had originally been caught there. 



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